- Rider Code
- Rider Guidelines
- Paceline Etiquette
- Series Rides & Awards
- Commuter Challenge
- Pace Ratings
- Terrain Ratings
- Ride Leader Guidelines
Pace Ratings
Please review the information below to assist you in picking a ride that matches your needs and skill level.
18+mph average
Training rides. Mostly pacelines. Infrequent stops. No obligation to wait for other riders. Self sufficiency a must (flat repair, navigation, food and water, etc.) Re-supply stops at the discretion of the “pack”. Ride Leader typically rides as part of the pack, not as a sweeper.
15-18mph average
Brisk paced rides. Experienced riders. Some pace line. Some regrouping. More opportunity for re-supply stops but come prepared. Ride Leader “floats” in the group. Self sufficiency important (group tends to spread, some temporary isolation possible). No drop if rider meets speed requirement.
13-15mph average
Moderate, Social rides. Good riders. Riders tend to stay grouped but not paceline. Typically scheduled re-supply stops. Regroups every 30-45 minutes (or so). Ride leader tends to “sweep” the group and help with navigation.
10-13mph average
Leisurely, easy rides. Basic riders. Group stays together, stops often. Rides tend to be relatively flat and use low traffic roads, bike paths, and bike routes. Ride Leader will stay with the group and look after slower riders. Help is usually available for flats or mechanical problems (always keep you bike maintained and carry your own flat repair kit).
Open-paced ride
Ride at your own pace. Any or all of the above average speeds and descriptions may apply. This is typically used for rides where a large attendance is expected.