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By-Laws of the Bonneville Bicycle Club
As approved by Bonneville Cycling Club Board of Directors August 30, 2019.
Please Note: These By-Laws may have been changed since the last website publication. For a complete and updated document please contact Secretary@bccutah.org.
Section I. Purpose
These By-Laws define the membership, dues and meetings of the club and the election and meetings of the Board of Directors.
Section II. Membership
- Membership is open to anyone at least 18 years of age who is willing to support the purpose and operation of this club as defined in the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws.
- Members aged under 18 years are allowed only in the company of an adult member and must always be accompanied by adult on club rides.
- The Board of Directors may terminate a member from the club if the member:
- violates the Articles of Incorporation or these By-Laws;
- fails to pay dues or meet other financial obligations related to club business in a timely manner;
- uses club funds or resources for personal gain;
- uses the club name, funds, or resources without permission; or
- acts in a manner that brings discredit upon the club.
- The Board of Directors may reinstate a member.
- Any member who is current on club dues and all other financial obligations related to club business is eligible to vote on club ballots, but only Regional Chapter members may vote on Regional Chapter ballots
Section III. Dues
Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors and shall be made payable to the club, to be deposited by the Treasurer into the appropriate bank account.
Section IV. Elections
- Election of the Board of Directors for the forthcoming year shall be held via an online ballot in the 4th quarter of the calendar year. The president shall appoint a nominating committee each year to accept nominations. The newly elected Board of Directors shall take office on December 1 following the election. The term of office is until November 30 of the following year.
- Any member eligible to vote on club ballots is eligible to hold any office on the Board of Directors; except that, a person involved in the financial accounting (i.e., the Treasurer) of the club may not be related to any member eligible to sign checks. Related is defined as immediate family, either by genetics, marriage or the sharing of a household.
- For positions of President and Treasurer, nominees must have been on the Board of Directors within the current year or past 2 years.
- The position of Road Captain can be nominated for any active ride leader.
- Members of the Board of Directors engaging in business activities with the club are required to abstain from voting on issues related to that business relationship.
Section V. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of the
- President
- Vice President
- Past President (one year term)
- Road Captain
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Communications Director
- Membership Director
- IT Director
- Sponsorship Director
- Member at Large - General Membership Representative
- Member at Large - Biannual Survey Coordinator
- Little Red Ride Director - Ad Hoc, Non-voting Member
All members of the Board of Directors, except Ad Hoc members, may vote. If a Board member misses three consecutive meetings without being excused by the president for good cause, that member's position on the Board is deemed vacant. When a vacancy occurs, the president, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a person to complete the term of office.
Section VI. Duties of the Board of Directors
- Duties of the President
- Serve as Club's Chief Executive Officer.
- Preside at all meetings.
- Develop & distribute agendas for board meetings.
- Ensures that the chapter abides by by-laws.
- Assist and ensure every board member in performing their board responsibility. Oversee and supervise, subject to the concurrence of the Board of Directors, the operations of the club, including signing contracts and commitments on behalf of the club.
- Solicit and appoint members for special committees, including banquet and awards committee.
- Prepare and maintain a budget and exercise financial responsibility for the ongoing activities of the club, including reviewing financial and tax records.
- Communicate formally each month with club members regarding official club business, elections, events, etc.
- Inform membership of yearly elections, election voting timeframe and results.
- Duties of the Vice President
- Assist the President
- Assume the duties of the president, when directed by the President or in the absence of the President.
- Report monthly on the activities of bicycle advocacy groups, including Salt Lake County Bicycle Advisory Committee, Salt Lake City Bicycle Advisory Committee, Wasatch Front Regional Committee Active Transportation Committee, Central Wasatch Committee, Bike Utah.
- Duties of the Past President
- Assist the President with transition over first year.
- Duties of the Road Captain
- Organize and monitor the ride schedule.
- Approve or deny rides posted by ride leaders.
- Solicit ride leaders.
- Conduct ride leader training, minimum quarterly.
- Ensure ride leaders are performing satisfactorily according to club policy.
- Assume the duties of the President or Vice President, when directed by the President.
- Assume the presidency in the event that Vice-President is unavailable to fill a vacancy.
- Communicate weekly with club members regarding rides, tours and ride related events.
- Duties of the Secretary
- Keep accurate, permanent record of all business transacted at the membership and Board of Directors meetings and other formal activities of the club, including taking minutes at board meetings. Minutes should include a tracking of actions, responsibilities and results.
- Distribute a summary of board meeting minutes to club members following each board meeting.
- Duties of the Treasurer
- Collect all dues, fees and other monies constituting the revenues of the club and deposit such monies in the club accounts.
- Club bookkeeping.
- Maintain up-to-date financial accounting of the club activities according to standard accounting principals.
- Disburse funds in the manner authorized by the Board of Directors.
- Regularly review finances with the president.
- File Club tax information yearly.
- Interact with Club's accounting firm.
- Maintain adequate levels of insurance for the Club.
- Duties of the Communications Director
- Supervise the preparation, printing and distribution of the club newsletter.
- Regular updates to the website. Be sure that all information on the web site is accurate and is in concurrence with club policies and the directions of the Board of Directors.
- Monitor and post regularly to the Club's social media sites.
- Monitor the Club's communications forum.
- Regularly distribute news releases, articles, information about upcoming rides, etc. to applicable media outlets and websites to ensure the Club and our rides are “in the news.”
- Photograph at BCC sanctioned events.
- Develop, produce and maintain promotional materials such as brochures, ads, posters.
- Recommend and order promotional items.
- Assist board members with developing and implementing club communications.
- Duties of the Membership Director
- Maintain an accurate, up-to-date record of members in good standing.
- Create programs to retain members and recruit new members.
- Maintain the Club's email lists.
- Provide copies of the membership as directed by the Board of Directors.
- Duties of the IT Director
- Keep website, social media channels and forum working at all times.
- Establish, maintain and keep Club emails current and working.
- Advise and assist board members on IT related issues.
- Duties of Sponsorship Director
- Create sponsorship opportunities.
- Recruit club sponsors.
- Retain existing sponsors.
- Ensure Club follows through on promises to sponsors.
- Duties of Member-at-Large - General Membership Representative
- Report monthly to the board regarding member comments and feedback.
- Assist the board in determining actions in response to member comments.
- Duties of Member-at-Large - Biannual Survey
- Conduct two surveys of the general membership yearly. One should be conducted prior to the riding seasons and the other during the season.
- Report results of the surveys to the board.
- Assist the board in determining actions in response to survey results.
- Duties of Little Red Ride Lead - Ad Hoc, Non-voting Member
- Report to the board monthly regarding the activities of the LRRH Committee.
- Work with the board to implement a successful ride that meets the goals of BCC.
Section VII. Regional Chapter Representatives
Twelve or more club members from a municipality may form a Regional Chapter. If a Regional Chapter has at least 10% of the club membership, the Chapter may elect one of its members as a full voting member of the Board of Directors.
Section VIII. Appointments
With the approval of the Board, the President may appoint persons as necessary to conduct Club business.
Section IX. Meetings
- Meetings open to club members. All general membership meetings and Board of Directors meetings are open to all club members. The Board of Directors may meet in executive session to discuss
- termination or reinstatement of a member,
- contract negotiations, or
- potential litigation, but must make any motion and vote in an open session.
- General Membership Meetings. There shall be at least four general membership meetings scheduled yearly by the Board of Directors. One of these meetings must be the Annual Membership Meeting. The other meetings may be a formal meeting, picnic or any such other gathering that allows for discussion of club activities, the airing of grievances and access by the membership to the Board of Directors.
- Board of Directors Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet at least ten times annually. At the first Board meeting after the Annual Membership Meeting the Board of Directors shall establish the meeting schedule for the following year, including the general membership meetings. The Board shall publish the date and time of the meeting schedule on the website. Special or emergency Board of Directors meetings may be called by the President at any time as long as all Board members are notified of the meeting. A majority of the Board members is a quorum. A quorum must be present to act on any item. A simple majority of the members present are authorized to approve normal items of business brought to a vote. Changes to the Articles of Incorporation or By-Laws require a positive vote by 2/3 of the entire membership of the Board of Directors.
- Order of Business. Meetings shall be conducted in general accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
- Call the meeting to order.
- Review and approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Treasurer's report.
- Road Captain's report.
- Membership Report.
- Special reports.
- Old business.
- New business.
- Adjournment.
Section X. Amendments
Any club member may propose to the Board a change to the By-Laws. If approved by a majority of the Board, the proposed amendment shall be published on the website and in the next newsletter, and the Board shall consider comments by club members. The proposed amendments are effective if approved as provided in Section IX after the comment period. The amended By-Laws must be posted on the web site in a timely manner.